Select an industry listed below, invent a new company and create a logo for it. Once established, you will then create 2-3 subsidiary logos to target a more specific customer base.
Research all the industries listed. Learn the ins and outs of each and write a brief analysis. Select at least three companies in each industry and explore each of their business concepts —who their target audience is and how they could expand their brand to make a larger impact on consumers. Be prepared to discuss these companies in class. Finally, armed with this information, explain how you would design for each market.
Select the industry you feel is the most interesting and create a fictional company on which to base your project. You will name the company, create a mission statement and build a list of the goods and or services the company will provide.
1.1 Based on the research you have done, create a new logo for the company you have invented. This new logo will have to work in both color and black & white. It will need to be vector based and scalable to many sizes—as large as a billboard and as small as a business card. The purpose is to infuse strong design, cultivate a positive customer experience and strengthen the company’s impact as a whole.
1.2 Create 2-3 subsidiary logos to target more specific audiences in your customer base. These logos should support the main logo but have their own voice and be able to stand alone if needed.
1.1 Final corporate logo mounted* in B/W and PMS color designs
—2 up in large and small format.
1.2 Final subsidiary logos mounted* in B/W and PMS color designs
—2 up in large and small format
* Mounted—Two 8.5 x11 sheets mounted on standard 15x20 Black
* Presentation board, with labeled cover sheet and marker 360 paper layer
* Presentation board, with labeled cover sheet and marker 360 paper layer
Option of Choice:
Healthy Food Meal Delivery Service - A food delivery service that creates and delivers meals that are designed for the purpose of weight loss and/or living a healthy lifestyle.
Subsidiary examples: Dietary, Cultural, Time/Skill to make